National Green Hydrogen Roadshows visit Omusati and Oshana

National Green Hydrogen Roadshows visit Omusati and Oshana

The National Green Hydrogen Roadshow – organised by the Government of the Republic of Namibia (GRN) and Hyphen – visited the northern regions of Omusati and Oshana in April. The roadshows on April 11 and 12 were led by Hon. Obeth Mbui Kandjoze, Director General of the...
Fraunhofer IWES joins Hyphen project in Namibia

Fraunhofer IWES joins Hyphen project in Namibia

The Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES) will work on planning the wind farm as part of Hyphen’s green hydrogen project. The scale of the project poses significant challenges for current site assessment methods, meaning that Fraunhofer IWES will use...